Bishop’s Call to Pray and Fast

Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, has requested that all the faithful in South Carolina join him weekly in praying the rosary leading up to the general election. He would like everyone to pray for the upcoming election, peace in our nation and the rededication of the United States to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

“In October, the Church celebrates the Month of the Holy Rosary. We remember in a special way the Battle of Lepanto when, losing all hope of victory, Pope St. Pius V urged the faithful to pray the rosary. A miraculous victory was won Oct. 7, 1571, thanks to the power of this prayer and the intercession of Mary.

“As your bishop, I ask that each family make an effort to pray the rosary at least once a week throughout the month of October and in the days leading up to the general election and beyond. Parents, if possible, pray at least a decade of this beautiful prayer each day with your children. Be assured that the sacrifice of your time for this devotion will be multiplied. You will not regret leading your family in prayer.”

Additionally, Bishop Fabre is calling for a day of prayer and fasting on the Solemnity of All Saints, Nov. 1. While not common to fast on a solemnity, the contentiousness of this election season and its potential outcome requires of us steadfast prayer and penitence.

To read the full message, click here.

Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Very Rev. Gregory B. WilsonVicar General

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